How Retail and Multifamily Work Together

How Retail and Multifamily Work Together

Retail and multifamily always have reinforced one another, but some say their evolving relationship now calls for closer cross-sector collaboration. “We have more mixed-use and single-family-home rental communities being developed every day,” noted CRE Models senior project manager Karl Thompson. “It really requires retailers, commercial landlords and multifamily developers to be talking with one another more frequently.”

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Where’s the rent? Maybe Look to the Security Deposit

Lease Workout - Security Deposit

Landlords and tenants need to perform complex scenario analysis as they structure lease workouts that include using security deposits applied to current rent obligations. Decisions may impact other leases in the same property as well as entire portfolios.

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What is a Lease Abstract? (in Commercial Real Estate)

What is a Lease Abstract? (in Commercial Real Estate)

A lease abstract provides a concise analysis of lease documents in a format that is easily understood. It also gives structure to ensure any material items will be found and information in the form can be quickly referenced in the lease for further detail. The lease abstract should be created in a format that is…

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