Outsourced Real Estate Expertise: How CREModels Supports Results-Driven Inception Property Group

cremodels helps inception property group with outsourced real estate expertise

CREModels has become a key part of the development methodology at Inception Property Group (IPG). The 10-year-old firm leverages decades of real estate experience to bring needed services like healthcare, housing and childcare/early childhood education to American communities. “Conducting a real estate financial analysis without the CRE Suite would be like designing a building without AutoCAD,” says Peter Becronis, IPG Cofounder

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Case Study: Streamlining CAM Reconciliation

Case Study: Streamlining CAM Reconciliation

Process for CAM reconciliation puts an end to annual ‘all nighters’ once endured by a Retail Landlord’s property management and accounting teams. Download as PDF Incorrectly or never-completed Common Area Maintenance (CAM) and other reconciliations can cost retail landlords tens of thousands of dollars over the life of a single tenant’s lease. In extreme cases, that figure…

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